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Category: Recipes

Roscón de Reyes

Epiphany, Theophany or Three King’s Day, January 6th is the day that marks the end of the Christmas holidays in Spain. During the night of January 5th, the three kings come to all houses to bring presents for the whole family and during January 6th, everyone will open the presents and eat a roscón de reyes. As a tradition, this sweet cake also comes with a surprise: hidden inside there is a faba bean and a king figure.

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Hemp crescent cookies

Hemp protein is one of those ingredients that I was not familiar with because I think there is still some confusion about hemp. It does is a type of cannabis, but hemp has an almost nonexistent amount of THC (you don’t get high) and it’s a great source of CBD (to make you relax), but don’t worry because hemp protein is made from hemp seeds that don’t contain THC nor CBD (and you can find it in almost any supermarket).

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Matcha, Eggnog and Plain Quarkbällchen

There’s a very common dairy product in Germany and northern Europe called Quark that has less fat and more protein than cream cheese and can be used to bake from cheese cake, puff pastry, bread… or for this recipe: Quarkbällchen (Quark balls). To give it a twist, I made three flavors of Quarkbällchen: plain, matcha and eggnog.

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